
Archive for May 18th, 2009

Given that the majority – even large majority – of the churches of the Diocese are either plateaued or declining, there’s nothing much more important to do than to have a plan to help them turn around.

The best plan going (as far as I can tell) is the the 3-fold strategy of consultation, coaching and clusters.

But … leading a consultation weekend to begin the turn around process of a church is a finely honed skill. So the next thing to do is to get some help. But not endless help. What we need to do is to generate the necessary expertise, so that after a while we can implement the strategy without help. What’s needed is a ‘train-the-trainer’ approach.

So, here’s what I think is the way forward.

Find someone – straightforward evangelical, experienced church leader – who has been involved in the turn-around of 200 or more churches. Less experience than that is not good enough. Pay him to consult with 6 churches throughout the Diocese over the course of 2010. BUT, with each weekend consultation, bring together for training a group of 10 proven, effective Rectors. They must be leading churches that are growing, and which have broken through the 200 barrier. Each of these Rectors needs to attend 2 such training sessions, which run for the Wed-Thurs prior to the Fri-Sun weekend.

Over the course of 2010, 30 Rectors will be trained in the skills of consulting, coaching a church in implementing the consultation, and leading a cluster of Rectors for leadership development. With a task-force of that size, we would be able to run the turn-around strategy for up to 2o parishes a year. If only half of them turned around, it would make a massive difference to the 150+ parishes currently going either backwards or no-where!

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